Sunday, September 14, 2014

Why our Economy's In The Shit.

This right wing Malay government is pretty good when it comes to directing the rakyat's attention. Notice that important news like naik harga is always announced like a day or two before Raya Haji or some other celebration like that where people are too sibuk to even care. 

Lately the focus was on Sedition Act and quite a few politicians, students and even a university professor has been charged. All of this is in a way to divert your attention to the real matters at hand which is the economy. 

Some basic facts on our current economy that I think will affect us more than the current power struggle crisis.

Why GST?

"We have to find additional sources of income and that's why we have to implement the GST," the Star reported Najib as saying at a seminar on Strengthening the National Economy. 

Yep, we are broke people. Somebody is on a spending spree thinking we're Norway. And in the end it's the people who have to cough out the dough, having no clue whatsoever where it's going and what it is going to be use for. What transparency?  

So, Where We At..

Ratings agency Fitch cut its outlook on Malaysia's sovereign debt to "Negative" in July last year, Fitch reaffirmed the negative outlook last month.

Despite the reduction in government spending, Malaysia's national debt still hovers just below a critical legal ceiling.

At 54.6 per cent, the Malaysian government's debt-to-GDP ratio is jointly ranked with Pakistan's as the second highest among 13 emerging Asian markets after Sri Lanka, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Malaysian household borrowings hitting 86.3 per cent of GDP in 2013 when it had been just 60.4 per cent less than six years ago, surpassing even the US' 80.6 per cent registered in the first three months of this year.

Malaysia’s ballooning credit is now prompting others to join Fitch in eyeing Malaysia with caution.

Judging by all this I would presume that a red alert is in order but Najib seems to be cool about it. All he cares about is the growth in GDP (6.3%) which doesn't really do shit for regular people like me. click

Why Are We in The Shit

Putrajaya continued to rack up public debt despite trimming the headline deficit number, saddling the nation with liabilities amassed primarily through government-linked firms. (MAS, Khazanah etc)

Huge infrastructure investments, such as the Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), KLIA2, I still have no idea why we need to have KLIA2? 

Another contributor to local household debt is Malaysians affinity for cars coupled with among the world's highest vehicle prices.  

Spiralling home prices has reduced consumers' spending power despite burgeoning debt levels.

About RM174 billion was illegally siphoned out of Malaysia in 2011, making the country the fourth largest exporter of illicit capital that year after Russia, China and India, said anti-graft watchdog Global Financial Integrity (GFI). 

RM174 billion? We are in with the bigdogs here. Respect! 

And did our govt do anything about this situation? Or they just can't do shit about it? Or they are they actually involved in it? Hey, who the fuck knows?

Anyway, what is Mahathir's take on all this? Click


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Regarding Power

What makes us happier: money or power? Power. Do we prefer money or status? Status.

What do children say they want more than anything when they grow up? Fame.

Paraphrasing Machiavelli: if you have to choose between being loved or feared, pick feared.

Yeah, power gets you respect. So if you can make a billion dollars or become an international sensation by Thursday I highly recommend it.

But powerful people often behave like asshole, why? Power reduces empathy and often causes us to dehumanize others.

In fact, one of the most recognizable signs that someone is powerful is that they break rules. Why? They can get away with it..just look at Mahathir and the rest of them.

And don't give me any bullshit that what I'm saying is not true course it's happening right here in our backyard and you know it.

What I'm basically trying to say is that most politicians and ____ are just bunch of greedy and power hungry assholes and those people supporting and living under their umbrella are just the same.

And then there are regular people like me and you who can't do shit about it, just checking on other people facebook status and hit like.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hak Sultan Atau Rakyat

Kemelut dalam isu perlantikan Menteri Besar sekarang ternyata sudah sampai ketahap kritikal dimana semua pihak yang terlibat langsung tidak menunjukkan sifat kompromis dalam menyelesaikan situasi tersebut. 

Malah apa yang jelas dilihat oleh penduduk Selangor adalah ketidaksefahaman bukan saja diantara parti PAS dan sekutunya PKR dan DAP; tetapi juga pergolakkan yang sedang berlaku didalam parti PAS itu sendiri.

Persoalan juga timbul apabila PKR dan DAP tidak berganjak dalam pendirian mereka terhadap isu pencalonan walaupun setelah mendapat titah daripada Sultan Selangor untuk memberikan baginda senarai nama nama sebagai pencalonan untuk kerusi tersebut.

Dipersimpangan inilah timbulnya pertaruhan diantara dua kuasa; sama ada hak memilih jawatan Menteri Besar itu jatuh ditangan rakyat yang diwakili oleh Pakatan Rakyat, ataupun Sultan yang sepatutnya tidak dikaitkan didalam hal hal politik negeri.     

Apa yang penting bagi penduduk penduduk Malaysia yang mengamalkan Sistem Demokrasi Beraja ini adalah sama ada titah Sultan Selangor untuk memohon nama nama tersebut selaras dengan perlembagaan negara di dalam tatacara pemilihan jawatan Menteri Besar. 

Adakah reaksi Sultan ini menunjukan bahawa hanya Sultan negeri sahaja yang mempunyai hak mutlak untuk memilih sesiapa pun di kalangan Pakatan Rakyat untuk menjadi Menteri Besar dan bukanlah sebenarnya hak rakyat untuk membuat pilihan tersebut.

Soalan kedua adalah sama ada tindakan PAS yang sebelum ini telah menyerahkan hak mereka dalam pemilihan calon kepada Sultan secara tak langsung memberikan hak kuasa pemilihan Menteri Besar kepada Sultan.

Keluhuran perlembagaan
Kedaulatan undang undang 
Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan negara.

Apa yang telah sedia termaktub harus dijadikan sebagai landasan dalam mencari penyelesaian yang kini menjadi kebimbangan seluruh rakyat Selangor.

Aidy Adnan

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Kenyataan TG Hadi Awang terhadap DS W. Azizah hanya menunjukkan kelemahan beliau sendiri.

TG Abdul Hadi Awang ternyata tidak memahami akan konsep atau istilah berPakatan dan tidak langsung menghormati malah memperlekehkan pula kepimpinan tertinggi PKR didalam ceramah beliau ini. Sekiranya beliau tidak setuju dengan perlantikan DS Wan Azizah sebagai MB atas sebab tidak layak, bukankah lebih baik sekiranya isu tersebut dibentangkan bersama PKR dan DAP? Perlu di peringatkan bahawa beliau sendiri yang telah bersetuju dengan pemilihan calon MB sebelum ini, tetapi nampaknya telah bertukar fikiran dan terus membuat kenyataan umum tanpa memikirkan kesan besarnya, bukan saja terhadap kedudukan PAS dalam gabungan yang melibatkan parti DAP dan juga PKR, malah persepsi pengundi pengundi Pakatan Rakyat terhadap pengkhianatan yang telah beliau lakukan ini. 

Ternyata bahawa beliau juga kurang arif tentang sistem demokrasi beraja*, yang mana pemilihan Menteri Besar dipilih dan dipersetujui oleh wakil parti pemerintah dan bukan dari pihak Istana. Sikap PAS memberikan hak memilih kepada Sultan adalah amat bercanggah dengan sistem demokrasi ini yang bertujuan memberi kepentingan terhadap suara rakyat dalam soal pemilihan jawatan Menteri Besar. Ini jelas menunjukkan kelemahan beliau sebagai pemimpin yang tidak menitikberatkan hak pengundi, angkuh dan tidak memiliki dan menghargai sikap setiakawan, apatah lagi sebagai contoh tatacara seorang pemimpin parti berlandaskan Islam, yang sepatutnya dihormati.

The request for the names of multiple candidates is out of the ordinary in a democratic nation with a constitutional monarchy. The accepted understanding under such a system of government is that the monarch’s role in appointment is ceremonial, as in say Great Britain or the Netherlands.

“The role of the Sultan is a formal one, a very ceremonial role. Just hand over the appointment letter, as simple as that. And let the government do its business.” Professor Abdul Aziz Bari 

"Legal opinion written by former Lord President Raja Azlan Shah (who later became Sultan of Perak): “When the party which obtains the majority of seats … decides to nominate one of its members of the assembly for appointment as mentri besar,... the Ruler has no choice but to appoint him.” Professor Shad Salim Faruqi


Friday, September 5, 2014

Answering Syed Akhbar Ali, Race and Politics

I was actually trying to find Syed's book that I came to this, talked about a long one for sure. Seems like Mr Syed is pretty confident as to his stand, which is pretty much expected considering his connections and "say as you wish" privilege bestowed upon him by the ruling powers. But it ain't really necessary in fact to be putting blames on whoever over whatever or whenever because before entering this ruthless game of power, he should have known that any Malaysians have the right to choose a gangster, a scotch drinker, a backdoor lover or even a second generation mamak for PM if they wanted to. Basic! If you're contesting for such high positions, do you really expect them to be squeaky clean, no histories of doing anything sort of evil? Or are we thinking that people don't change? Come on, don't be naive. And what does it says in Islam about electing a leader? Since I'm sure Mr. Syed knows a lot about that. See, us being a subject of HRH in this country, do you question everything that he's ever done? Or the whole generations before him for that matter? Or is it that they're holier than thou that it'll be considered seditious to even discussing it, lest going against it.

This is a game of deception, lies, corruption, smashing the others heads type of game and only the ruthless, intelligent, sweet talker, hypocrites, thick skinned, and evil hearted will survive, something I'm sure that Mr. Syed is all too familiar with. It's all about directing perspective of the masses, using whatever's necessary; religion, race, adat, gossips, moral actions, sexual preferences etc which is the reason why I was checking out on Mr. Syed's book on the first place; because I think he's damn good at this "directing perspectives" thang. Guess I studied a little of his "work" and it's quite fortunate too for him, to have to deal with such an easy, unquestionable, gullible and easy to please type of crowd, which is the make up of the current majority which soon going to be replaced by the only majority, according to Mr. Syed of course. (using race as a basis to gather public opinion is just a copout)

It's not fair of me not saying much about what I think of all this shenanigans. I guess on one perspective, It's quite unfortunate for me not being in the country for the past twenty five years (living in NYC), making me kinda ignorant of the roots of a lot of situations that is currently happening for this young and confused nation of ours. On the other hand it's good for me too being able to see some situation on a different light. My vote then would be to have another group to replace Barisan Nasional just so that we could have a fairer take on those who manages this country, whether it's Pakatan Rakyat, which is crumbling at the moment of writing, or a new pakatan (or party) which if I am to suggest,  that will create a set of reformed and "much more defined" sets of constitution that is agreed upon all as something to fight for; rather than having three parties with different ideology pretending to be what they're not. As for the constitution, why should we be using one that is set by those British Bastards (records have shown that they deserved such honor), with some parts that's rather vague in their meaning and just made to confused everybody (maybe it's a rush job). Why don't we just fix them bloody thing, make it fair for all races and citizens and stop treating it like some kinda sacred ten commandments written in stone.

Lastly, let us not forget that there's evil everywhere; in any political parties, in any race, any religion because there will always be no Good without the Bad, That is just the facts of life and instead of fighting between parties on who's right or who's wrong, why don't we all fight for what we all know is right. This is what Malaysians need to learn about a two party system in a democracy. It's not ruling government --right, opposition --wrong type thing. To think that the party that we supported is always on the right side is just plain ridiculous.   More importantly is that before pointing it to others let us all point it to our own self first because that's where the fight should really start for everybody in this beautiful country of ours. The rest would just follow, Inshaallah. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

MAS Dan Pentadbiran Tanpa Tanggung Jawab.

- Kegagalan MAS sebagai salah satu syarikat yang diuruskan oleh pihak kerajaan adalah satu perkara yang sungguh memalukan walaupun ianya tidak langsung dapat dilihat dimuka muka mereka yang diberikan tanggungjawab mengurus syarikat tersebut.

- Walaupun kos kerugian bulanan telah diketahui seawal dua tahun lepas, pihak pengurusan bagaikan melepas tangan sahaja, dan membiarkan virus kansernya melarat sehinggalah kesituasi kritikal yang kita lihat sekarang.

- Kos yang diperlukan untuk membina semula Mas adalah berjumlah sekitar RM 6 billion. Keputusan Datu Seri Najib untuk membiayai kos itu dengan menggunakan dana rakyat adalah satu lagi kesilapan besar dari pihak pemerintah.

-  Setelah apa yang terjadi kepada banyak syarikat syarikat atau koperasi besar yang telah diuruskan oleh kerajaan pemerintah ini, adakah mereka masih dilihat sebagai layak untuk membuat keputusan seperti yang telah dibuat didalam kes MAS itu?

- Adakah rakyat dinegara ini memberikan kerestuan mereka kepada kerajaan pemerintah ini untuk membuat keputusan keputusan besar yang melibatkan hal kewangan yang ternyata adalah hak milik mereka? 

- Adakah pihak pemerintah cuba mengecilkan tanggungjawab mereka dengan membuat keputusan keputusan penting sebegini dimasa masa perayaan supaya rakyat tidak memberikan tumpuan sepenuhnya terhadap masaalah ini?

- Bukanlah lebih baik sekiranya keputusan yang melibatkan jumlah perbelanjaan yang tinggi ini, diperdebatkan untuk mendapatkan penyelesaian yang terbaik bukan saja untuk MAS tetapi juga untuk pekerja pekerjanya yang kini tergantung nafkahnya?

- Adakah pihak pemerintah akan mengambil apa apa tindakkan terhadap mereka yang bertanggung jawab terutamanya kepada pihak pentadbir atau bahagian pengurusan yang ternyata cuai dalam menangani masaalah kewangan yang sepatutnya ditangkas diperingkat awal lagi?